
[Feb 2023]
I have joined Quantic Brains as an AI Engineer.
[Sep 2022]
Successfully defended my PhD thesis titled Towards audio-visual deep learning methods for singing voice separation and lip synchronization with honor (Cum Laude).
[Jul 2022]
Paper accepted to ECCV 2022.
[Jun 2022]
Paper accepted to Interspeech 2022.
[May 2022]
Two papers accepted to Sight and Sound workshop, CVPR 2022.
[Apr 2022]
Participated in #HiloTesis for dissemination of my Ph.D. research. [Link]
[Dec 2021]
New Single Dinner at the Glaciers out! [Link]
[Oct 2021]
Paper accepted to BMVC 2021.
[Jun 2021]
Paper accepted to Sight and Sound workshop, CVPR 2021. [Video]
[Jul 2020]
Paper accepted to IEEE MMSP 2020 for Oral Presentation. [Talk]
[Jun 2018]
Awarded INPhINIT doctoral fellowship for pursuing Ph.D. in Spain.




[Jan - Mar 2022]
Calculus II, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.
[Jan - Mar 2022]
Linear Algebra, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.
[Jan - Mar 2020]
Calculus II, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.
[Jan - Mar 2019]
Calculus II, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.


  • venkatesh [dot] kadandale [at] gmail [dot] com